I got a lovely surprise in the post today - an early birthday present from my dear
hoc_voluerunt, and I love him so much, I'm just going to picspam you all with him. I didn't think it was possible for any Brutus to be more adorable than James Mason or Tobias Menzies, but she proved me wrong...
Dearest flist, meet Brutus Bear, honourable defender of the Teddy Bear Republic. Isn't he gorgeous? <3
He's the product of a rather odd thread of conversation between Hoc and me, but I can claim no credit for the end result, which is entirely due to the talents of
hoc_voluerunt and
lavinia1684. (Iamnotworthy)
He's going to be going in pride of place, but until I can tidy my room a bit, I'm not really sure exactly where pride of place is. As a result, the poor thing's been shunted from my bed to my desk to my shelf and back again, but I shall have a worthy place for him soon. Anyway, have some more pictures of him.
On the shelf, next to Marcus the Vindolanda legionary, and the Sun-in-a-Jar that also came with him.
And I got my hug from him, Nadia! See? Trying to take a photo of myself holding a teddy bear was ever so slightly awkward, let me tell you. I'm smiling, honest I am, the camera just loves me not. XD
And there he is. Brutus Bear. And I have neither wit,nor words, nor worth, action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech to convey just how much I love him. Thank you so much, Nadia! <3
(Now I have something to cuddle desperately next time I watch Julius Caesar!)