Gay Vikings

Jun 13, 2011 00:31

I've been doing a bit of research on Viking history and culture for the original fiction I'm currently working on, and found this fascinating online essay on Viking attitudes to sexuality. I thought I'd link to it, since I know most of you on my flist are interested in history and/or the gay, so some of you might find it of interest. It's a very in-depth study, examining evidence from medieval Scandinavian law texts, sagas, language and art, fully referenced with a nice long bibliography.

The Vikings and Homosexuality, by Gunnora Hallakarva

I never thought it was actually possible for any culture to be more paranoid than the Romans about what a man did in the bedroom meant for his masculinity, but I think the Vikings may have topped them (no pun intended). Seriously, no language needs so many insults for men who like to take it. Well done, Vikings, well done. /sarcasm mode

vikings, history, essay, sexuality, research things

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