TVTropes whhhhhhy. I've been on this site all morning, ignoring all the work that piled up over the weekend. TVTropes, I wish I could quit you.
The site should have a way to make pages for your own characters. I know that would take a ridiculous amount of space, but unreasonableness aside, it be fun to make cohesive lists of the tropes that your characters, stories, universes make use of.
Commence boring RP shit that I am compelled to compile.
Asjary Riloh, human cyborg, Cipher Agent of the Bureau of Imperial Intelligence
- Conveniently an Orphan - no family means no relationship-based weaknesses
- Good Scars, Evil Scars; Scars are Forever; Every Scar Has a Story - how she got the scars and the cybernetic enhancements are directly related to her acceptance into Intelligence
- Battle Couple - with Vector, natch
- Hello Nurse - dem hips
- Consummate Liar - she's very good at what she does
- Consummate Professional - despite the Keeper's concerns, she is always aware of her position and duty
Cirawel Riloh, Mirialan, smuggler
- Brilliant but Lazy - would rather sit around with a cigar than do anything else
- Annoying Younger Sibling - in this case, she's the older sibling
- Good Scars, Evil Scars; Scars are Forever; Every Scar Has a Story - not as important to her development as they were to Asjary, but are an indication of what she's been through and willing to do in her line of work
- Large Ham/Crazy Awesome - when she finally does something, she does it BIG
- Wrench Wench - getting covered in oil is an excuse to strip down
- Genre Savvy - she knows how things are supposed to play out
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold/Jerk with a Heart of Jerk - depends on her mood and who's watching
- Badass Family - brother's a trooper
Sade Riloh, human, Master Jedi Sage
- Consummate Professional - she is a jedi and a jedi is she
- Genre Blind - accepts everything at face value and never sees what's going on behind the curtains
- Good Scars, Evil Scars; Scars are Forever; Every Scar Has a Story - her scar's a physical manifestation of an error she made and reminds her never to repeat it
- Hot Librarian - according to Felix, anyway
- Battle Couple - with Felix
- Badass Bookworm/Adventurer Archaeologist - she's either in the archives or out in the battlegrounds
- Idiot Hero - good is dumb
- Badass Family - comes from a large family, most of whom are still alive and kicking ass
- Covert Pervert - in training; Holiday has been feeding her explicit porn in preparation for her consummating her relationship with Felix