Aug 22, 2005 01:11
went bike riding at seneca today...which was much harder than i thought it would be. ( well, when i ventured into cherokee)...then i got winded and had to walk..yes, walk the bike back to flatter terrain.Smooth sailing from there, my friend. Smooth sailing from there.
I watched AboutsCHMIDT today , finally, which i actually enjoyed. He sort of reminded my of my grandfather...that made me sad.
What else. um. cleaned off my computer desk in the kitchen. I, you see, do not have any..ANY..control over said kitchen. no, that is cat country. i cant deal with it . i have my room...sort of...and they have theirs.
Going to escuela tomorrow. Hopefully for what will be my nest semester ever! lol
Seriously, i cannot F up this time. i have to have some discipline. Maybe if i keep thinking about how sucky being a waitress for the rest of eternity would be, i can get on the ball.
It is so easy to be psyched about school...until the time comes where you actually have to drive 50 miles to get there..and walk 50 more to class..when really, you'd much rather be sleeping, or shopping..or drinking...or watching TV. i would go if they would pay me $$....not just knowledge! or even if they would pay for my gas! Incentive enough for me! or free u of L t shirts in siza small. or like...i dont know...ANYTHING!
I AM excited for BBALL season to start. love my cards. cannot believe it has already been a year. where in the world did that go? i have no clue. that have I been doing? i think i am in a functioning coma!
I went to the fair yesterday, however, i do not care to detail my experience. All i will that when i do not want to ride something...DONT MAKE ME RIDE IT. i like rides, dont get me wrong, but not those whacko midway rides that guys with no tEEf put together for just one week. those scare me and i just WANT TO MAKE OFF ALIVE! my fear with rides is not being upside down or whatever, it is only that the ride will malfunction in some way....hurdling me across tha park...leaving me to plummit to a fiery death. I really hate the rides that are only pressurized and do not have an accompaning seat belt. no sir-ree. not for me.