fish poo

Jul 17, 2005 03:40

i feel like i need a giant giftcard for a petstore! ugh! i desperately need a bigger fishtank...bc my fish have totally outgrown their current one...and i dont think it's cool!
I just got done cleaning that all out. yuck. fish poo.!
I am trying to wash my plastic shower curtain in the washing machine. wonder how that will work out. I cant just throw it away, i really like it! it's nice! plus, i will feel so home-maker-ish if i can get it to be sparkling clean.
Have to work in the AM tomorrow.  I really need to make some cash in the worst way. i am broke broke broke! probably half of whatever i make will go for kitty food and litter....and fish stuff....and other various household crap. lame!

and now for some very random shots from the past month!

my future home:


a baby bird mummy. don't ask why i took this.. it just seemed interesting at the time, plus i think i was in one of those 'moods'.

sunsetting on the golf course

my girlfriend mid-swing!

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