Jan 09, 2011 21:07


This will be colored, look for it on dA or in a future art dump!!!! I just wanted to share the b/w because I'm really happy with how it turned out.

I thought there was more to share, but I guess not.

This is supposed to look kind of bizarre, and it did before I erased the guy holding a head on the left. I think it really lost its effect, but it was really odd before. I will probably color / tone, so look for it on dA or maybe in an upcoming art dump!

This is indeed a woman. I get it, I get it, I can't draw women at all. I'm working on it. :/

My take on the story of Narcissus, kind of a modern-day thing. Colored poorly!

General life update: not really one. Nothing has been happening except school and work. Which both suck. Though I am super excited about my latest webdesign job, it's looking cool. Other than that, still alive. I hope you guys are doing well!


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