Mar 05, 2008 15:01
I came back from my vacation on Monday morning, tired of a 12 hour long trip but determined to download all the 3 episodes I missed while I was away and watch them as soon as I could.
So, after I was done downloading the first 2, and still downloading the third one ( 4x05 actually) I started watching and stopped only for a little lunch break.
I have to say that I´m a bit confused as to what I think about all that´s happened, so I´ll just make some comments on a few things.
- Locke is more of an idiot as each episode passes. But there´s nothing new there.
- I don´t like the Locke Team, and not because Locke´s in it. Sawyer continues to be an idiot and there is no sight of a change. Claire doen´t do anything, she just washes clothes and drinks coffee. And I love Hurley and always will, but didn´t like him obeying Crazy Baldy and triking Sayid and company.
- Ben continues to rock my world, on and off island.
- Jack continues to rock my everything every time he´s on screen, and even when he´s not. The look on his face when Sayid told him Kate stayed broke my heart for the 1000000 th. time.
- I still like Juliet. So far they haven´t ruined her character.
- Kate. Sweet, fugitive, confused, Kate. I don´t want to say anything bad about her mainly because of this one fact..... I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT WOMAN. There really is no reasoning in my mind for her actions, and I´m sorry to say that they continue to ruin her character. It would be OK with me if we didn´t have any more Kate episodes until they decide to just stop making her look like a teenager.
- Sawyer is as much of an idiot as he´s been last season. I really want to like him again. But they just make it so hard to do.
- Desmond´s episodes are the most confusing but also the most fascinating. I never know what the hell happened when they´ve finished. But they raise some of the best questions and they make my head hurt. And Desmond continues to be awesome as he´s always been.
- Daniel is LOVE. His geekiness wins me over every time, and I want him around for a long time.
- Frank is OK too. I´ve not decided on Charlotte and Miles yet.
- I loved the Desmod-Penny phone conversation. It almost made me cry and I´m glad we have at least one story without a stupid triangle.
There´re a lot of other things that caught my attention but I don´t remember right now or that are way to confusing in my head so that´s all I´ll say for now.
I´m really enjoying this spoiler free experience and I think I´ll stay with it ´til the end. I strongly advise everyone to do the same. That Aaron thing at the end was pretty cool and I´ll say, also a big relieve :)
Does anyone know how many episodes we´re gonna get this season?
I need new icons :/
I´m happy to be back! You have no idea how much I´ve missed all of you!!!