Feb 01, 2008 22:46
Lost is back, and so is the Locke icon XD
-First, and since I mentioned my icon. Why does Locke , almost, always end up being right? It´s not like he knows everything and has all the information to make the best decisions, but it´s like the writers do it on purpose; all he does is for his on benefit (and when he said that all he ever did was to help everybody else I started screaming at my screen, and I guess great minds think alike ´cause Jack said the best think anyone has said to Locke before : ARE YOU INSANE! ftw!!) where was I?.... right!. He´s a selfish bastard but everything always works out for him, and TPTB always make him be right at the end (almost always). It´s like everything he does is justified.
And Jack, poor Jack, who really does do everything to help all the survivors, never has the whole information and his plans rarely end up working out.
-Jack pulled the trigger. It surprised me a little. But I see that he´s at the end of his rope, and Locke has exhausted his patience.
-So, not only Jack is on the wrong path in the future. Hurley is pretty messed up himself, and they´ll all have to go back to the island to FIX whatever went wrong.
I enjoyed very much Hurley´s cannonball. It was his last happy moment in what seems it´s gonna be a very long time.
Why is Hurley sorry he went with Locke. And if he did, why is he off the island? Jorge owned the episode BTW.
- Was i the only one who thought it was kinda fishy that Danielle lead Jack to that Dummy Trail? Did her and Ben do something to protect Alex. Maybe I´m just seeing too much into things. Ben did see that Kate took the phone and if he knew the other trail was the right one, why let Kate go with the phone and help rescue come?
-I loved seeing Charlie. I gasped and stupidly wished he was alive in this weird future. But I know that´s not possible. I miss Charlie :(, even though he´s still in the show, in some way. I hope they keep bringing him back, but I don´t think he´s gonna be visiting the Losties all the time :/
-I didn´t see Christian in the cabin at first. It was too dark. But WTF?! And who´s eye was that, was it Locke´s or Jacob´s like in TMBTC? I also want Christian to be alive. I know it´s stupid, but after seeing the last Mobisode that hope rekindled and I just want to keep thinking it´s a possibility, even though I don´t really think it is :D
-THE HUG. *sigh*. Yes, Kate took the opportunity to take that phone, but that doesn´t take away any off the emotions and feelings that were shown in that moment. She didn´t have to hold him so tight and whisper in his ear. And Jack smiling and burring his face in her hair was just beautiful. The fuckers can say what they want, but they can´t take this away from us.
It bothers me though that TPTB always do this to us, they give us something so great but then they put a little twist to make it look like it wasn´t that meaningful, when we all know it really was. The cockpit moment was great too. Jack opens up to Kate and lets her see how affected he is by all that´s happened, and she almost cuddles up to him and looks at him in that way that just screams how much she loves him. I kinda wanted her to put her head on his shoulder for a little while.
We knew they weren´t gonna throw J&K together so fast. There´s still a long road ahead of us, but I like that their finally comfortable with each other again, and that´s a huge step forward if we look back at last season.
- One more thing. Both Jack and Kate said their real name to the rescuers. So now they know they´re alive. They can´t hide and pretend to be dead just like it seams everybody else that stays on the island is gonna do. But Kate using her real name surprised me, I though she was gonna lie but she didn´t so..... I son´t know what this means
A lot happened in this episode, but, as usual, more questions were raised, and this are questions that actually interest me.
Thanks for reading, those who did :)
I´m going to bed early tonight, I just slept a few hours downloading Lost and I had a very busy day :)
lost season 4,