I wrote this and was gonna send it to
carrielynne2323 when she wasn´t feeling so good about Lost and all the crap fandom brings to our lives. But since a lot of people on my flist have come to a point where they´re fed up with all the BS that goes around at the moment I decided to make a post out of it. carrielynne2323
I´m really sorry you guys are feeling kinda down with all this fandom thing. I know how depressing it can be. I felt that way through a huge part of last season and I don´t want to feel that way about one of my favorite shows ever again.
Lost is special. It´s different than anything we´ve ever seen, and we fell in love with it immediately, with the story, with the characters and their journey. So we seek other people with whom we can share what we love, and enjoy discussing and just geeking about it. And since we´re all human beings, we like different things, that´s just in our nature, not everybody sees things the same way. But being grown ups, and decent people, we should all be able to accept other peoples opinions and thoughts, and though we can dive into discussions and analysis to try and understand other peoples points of view, sometime we just have to agree to disagree.
But it looks like there are people out there who have not been introduced to the civilized world, and don´t understand that even though they see things in a surten way, other people may not see it the same way, on the contrary, they may have a completely different view of thing, even polar opposite. But that doesn´t mean that they are wong, it just means they have a different way of seeing things, and they deserve all our respect just like we do theirs.
I had a really hard time last year, and the direction the show took didn´t help much either. My view on Kate has changed, it has, and I can´t just forget everything that´s happened. But that doesn´t mean that I don´t still believe Jack and Kate were and still are meant to be THE main couple in Lost.
I´ve really come to a point where I kinda disliked Kate when she´s around Sawyer, I used to enjoy their relationship back in S1 and most of S2, But the forced moments they shared all through S3 has made me cringe every time I see them on screen together, and I don´t like that, I don´t wan to feel that way about her. Despite everything that´s happened, and all those times I´ve been pretty mad at the show, and Kate, but mostly the writers, every time Jack and Kate where on a scene together, I could still see IT right in front of my eyes. And by IT I mean that special something that Jack & Kate have, and have always had, ever since that first scene, when she saw him just as he is and he reached out to her without even knowing her.
Yes, the geese have taken over a large part of fandom, and I´m afraid they are the ugliest part of fandom as well. That´s the reason I´ve stayed away from most forum. It has hurt, but I didn´t enjoy myself visiting those places anymore, and I didnt have the energy to argue and much less to discuss with people who just don´t care to try and see things the way other people see them, they´re just interested in insulting you and telling you YOU are wong, and bragging about how clever and awesome they are ( when they are the ones who end up looking like idiots, proven by the last Dark poll ;))
That´s why I come here, so I can talk about, and enjoy the things I love with great people who love and enjoy the same things as I do, and even if there are little things or details that we don´t agree on, or that we see in a different way, we a gracious enough to accept that and still be happy to meet and spend time together.
Sometimes I wonder what would the actors think if they read all the stuff their fans write and all the hate they spread. In this case, I don´t think Josh Holloway would be too happy to know what his admirers say to people who don´t agree with the way they see the World.
I hope you all feel better soon and you can be truly happy that Lost is coming back in just a few more days. And more than that, that you can really enjoy yourself when we have new episodes to talk about, without letting whatever people say put you down. I know it´s just a TV show but that´s what good stories do, they suck you in, and they inspire you and you enter a different world where you live the story almost as if it where your own. And that´s why we feel so strongly about it.
So my advise is: If all spoilers do it make you miserable, STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!
All they do is make us worry about things that haven´t happened yet, and most of the time they´re about things that wont even happen. I think there wasn´t one time where I read a spoiler and I didn´t regret it afterwords. Even the nice and Jatey ones, I found myself over and over again enjoying a Jate moment even more when it was a surprise to me, when I didn´t expected it and all of the sudden BUM! those amazing scenes where playing right in front of my eyes without me me knowing they were coming.
I know it´s not easy, but once you´ve passed the withdraw you´ll find that it´s way better, not only for you´re enjoyment of Lost, but also for your on mental health :D
I´m really excited about Lost coming back in only ....13 DAYS!!!!! And I´m really looking forward to hanging out with you guy and talk about every detail in each episodes. I´m excited about the icons and fics all of you talented people are going to bless us with :). And even though we´ll only have 8 new episodes (for now) I´m happy Lost is back and I know it´s gonna be better than ever.
It´s late and I really should go to bed :D
I love you all.