The 36 meme - before breakfast

Oct 06, 2008 09:16

01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?

02) What was your dream growing up?
To be a writer and a singer

03) What talent do you wish you had?
To be more carefree

04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Hot chocolate

05) Favorite vegetable?

06) What was the last book you read?
Reading the Epileptic Lurcher by Des Dillion

07) What zodiac sign are you?

08) Any tattoos and/or piercings? Explain where.
Nope. A few scars

09) Worst habit?

10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
I'd offer a lift to anyone I knew and liked - though you'd have to squeeze between the childseats or ride in the back.

11) What is your favorite sport?
To play used to be Badminton. To watch Sumo

12) Do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude?
I alternate wildly

13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
Call for the engineer

14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?
My best friend dying way too young. Also two miscarriages

15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
Where to start? I can hypnotize a roomful of people and used to do it often.

16) Do you have any pets?
Not any more. Both cats and dogs in the past.

17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
If I was in I'd apologize for the mess and offer you a cuppa. But if I was on a deadline I'd ask you not to stay too long - and then give you cake or biscuits.

18) What was your first impression of me?

19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?

20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
Just one? No, seriously, I don't think I would. I might not be entirely happy with everything, but this is me.

21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
A crime of conscience maybe. :)

22) What color eyes do you have?

23) Ever been arrested?

24) Bottle or can soda?
Don't do soda

25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
Holiday - haven't had one in seven years!

27) What's your favorite place to hang out at?
Gosh, you know, family life - so it's home. Not adverse to the odd coffeeshop outing either

28) Do you believe in ghosts?
Seen a few

29) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Spare time? Remind me what that is again?

30) Do you swear a lot?
No. I'm very bad at swearing - people laugh when I try.

31) Biggest pet peeve?
Inconsideration of others (in all ways from cruelty to blind selfishness)

32) In one word, how would you describe yourself?

33) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
Yes and yes

34) Favorite and least favorite food?
This changes. I don't eat meat or fish. I'm a sucker for grilled artichokes in a chilli sauce

35) Do you believe in God?
Which one?

36) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?
Anyone who wants to do this I'd be interested to read it, but please do not regard this is a chain meme. The only chains l like are made of gold or silver.
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