
Mar 26, 2011 12:14

Yes, I am being a sheep...

I've been searching for a solution lately on what to do about my website, the costumes specifically. I love having webspace to store my pics, and my costume section right now is horrible. I want to rearrange it and only have finished costumes on there. Thankfully a solution presented itself from padawansguide and bellamissella in the form of Blogspot. I had no clue there were so many costume people over there! Since my Alice journal did so well I suppose I'm going to be a sheep and follow suit, and keep my personal ramblings no one cares about here on LJ ;) I haven't quite figured out how I want to arrange my costume posting, but eventually I'll migrate some of the materials over to my website when I get around to it. For now I'll just follow my costume peeps.
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