So I have multiple students at da Rich who want to go into the military, i feel depressed. But I got to thinking yesterday, after I found out one of my hard working students was joining the marines. What the fuck else do you want them to do? The problem is not that there is heavy military recruitment on our campus, cuz to be real if students want to get out of richmond many times this is their only hope. The problem is that the same way the military is organized we are not organized to support and push for students to realize and believe in their potential. I have this bomb as mujer who is outspoken, smart, caring and working hella hard to join the army. Well, I cannot blame her, who is here to tell them on a daily basis you can be a fucken lawyer, fuck, you can run this school and become the principal. Who is telling them they can be doctors, social workers, and so forth. Who is telling them that they are capable of going to college? and more fucken importantly who is letting them know what it is that they need to do, not just to fucken graduate but to qualify to a college. you see the way I see it is where the fuck is our money for recruitment to college? So fine, if you want to recruit bodies to kill well you need to fund twice as much for minds to nurture. Cuz the reality is that if this support was there, we would not have to be counter military recruiting.
Richmond is not going to succeed if it does not have its students educated so they can come back and contribute. It fucken pisses me off, that these beautiful people are being used as a shields to protect a fucken peace of red, white and blue rag, talk about global gang banging, or in a reality a fucken shity ass green paper.