one direction halloween fest

Oct 12, 2012 07:57


1. At least one member of One Direction must feature prominently in your prompt. Nick Grimshaw & Harry's hipsters, the girlfriends, the crew and friends of the band (who communicate with fans via Twitter) are also fair game for prompting.
2. Ship, friendship, no ship, any rating - go wild.
3. Format for prompts: character(s) - [prompt] - [notes]. Multiple fills are lovely, mixes and art are wonderful.
(Make sure to include squicks and/or rating preferences in the notes to help the writers make your day.)
4. The fourth wall is sacred. Do not, under any circumstances, link any of the people whose public personas are mentioned in this post to the fest or any part of the fest, including participants, prompts and fills.
5. Anon is on, no IP logging. If you're not civil, you'll be banned.
6. Feel free to pimp this on LJ and Tumblr. If you pimp it on Tumblr, reblog this. Don't tag it "one direction", please? Fourth wall and all that.


i don't know what's right and what's real anymore by iguessthati ( prompt - Harry is possessed). 3,133 | gen (Harry/Louis)
i'm here. by bloodofpyke ( prompt - Niall is a ghost). 697 | Niall/Zayn, Harry/Zayn
You Were Driving Circles Around Me by miawkitten ( prompt - Niall is a ghost). 2,124 | Niall/Zayn, background Harry/Louis, OT5
it was a graveyard smash by el_em_en_oh_pee ( prompt - Zayn and Perrie's Halloween party). 960 | Zayn/Perrie, background Liam/Louis, Harry/Nick
fill by starry_starrrz ( prompt - Harry's new house is haunted). 2,202 | Harry/Nick
to try and catch your shadow by saralisse ( prompt - Louis is a ghost). 5,029 | OT5, Harry/Louis
persuading ghosts. by settleinseattle ( prompt - Harry is a celebrity medium). 3,381 | pre-Harry/Nick
kiss of death by settleinseattle ( prompt - Nick is the devil, Harry's made a deal). 2,925 | mentions of Nick/Harry, Harry/Liam
Weight Will Turn to Sunlight by BlackWave ( prompt - Niall is a ghost). 6,384 | Niall/Zayn
Here at the End by _justwords_ ( prompt - zombie apocalypse). 1,052 | Niall/Zayn
if i stumble (they're gonna eat me alive) by theviolonist ( prompt - something is killing them off one by one). 3,855 | Eleanor/Louis, Perrie/Zayn, Harry/Nick, Danielle/Liam, OT5
your love is wicked by thesilverwitch ( prompt - Liam is an angel, Zayn is a demon). 3,500 | Liam/Zayn

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