(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 11:19

The only thing that sucks worse than getting sick is getting sick far from home where there's no one who knows you to pay attention to you and rub your back. check that, it's worse to get sick, be far from home, and have broken air conditioning in a tropical climate when you don't have any external windows. no no! it's worse to get sick, be far from home, have broken air conditioning, and live in a guesthouse with a group of 20-something backpacker boys who stay up until 6 am and puke violently in the bathroom that shares an air shaft with your room so you can hear everything. right and then you get to teach!

ok, i'm sorry, i'm done now. i just needed to get that out.

i'm really proud of myself for surviving class last night, and it wasn't even bad. i think i'm going to try to teach some pronunciation tonight, even thought it'll be hard since my "n"s sound like "ed"s.
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