In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Disown my parents.
Get your resolution here Well this week has been a bit much to handle, and so with the close of 05; I'm making myself- not forget- but accept. Accept the things that I can't change. *deep breath*
Ok onto lighter news...Like what I've been up to since Dec.6. Really one word sums it up: SCHOOL. It's a pain but it's also the law...Unless your Amish, because then you can stop going to school after the 8th grade. Yeah, I'm feeling kinda random.
When I wasn't selling my soul to the educational system, I was going to movies such as: Rent, as well as, Pride& Prejudice...Also I finally saw Corpse Bride.
When I wasn't selling my soul to the educational system or rotting brain cells watching a glorified television(jk) I was shopping for none other than that once a year holiday known as: CHRISTMAS! Btw, happy late Christmas to you all...I do hope the holidays have been a good one for you.
When I wasn't selling my soul to the educational system OR rotting my brain cells watching a glorified television OR helping boost the economy I was across the state in P'gould ((where one of my two best friends live)). I stayed there for two days and of course had a blast.
That-I believe-would sum up what I have been doing since Dec. 6. Well besides what I've been doing in my free time. Which is surfing EWFN(( as well as religiously. I swear I'm addicted...But then again I've known that for a while. Hell, I knew that before I even became a member.
Hmm, well now that I've informed you on what all I've been up to I'll let you get to your lives, and me to mine.