Mar 17, 2004 01:16
i would like to eschew you. you don't mind if i do now, do you? the one you give to me, so free, so frequently. i'd like to chew you, gritty, down to the kernel and the rumbling rubble beneath your sweet stubble. i would like to find out what lies behind your jaw, what lies lay behing the bars of your teeth and the fetters of your facade. what you are and are not telling me and what lies between that the effervescent effulgent embargo prohibits you from spilling forth onto my wind-blown decks. if i deigned to disregard what you so diligently disclose and skip past to the stained interior of your substance, would you let me in? what if i knocked politely on your polished veneer and passionately promised to protect the priceless peach i found within, vowed to distill it to its purest perfume and wear it daily? would you let me collect the dripping secretion of your self and let it seep through my fingers onto the thick and somnolent carpet to creepy ever closer to my heated hypnotic hermitage where i could sing your praises to the prophetic eventide. i adore the crunch and the snap of you between my teeth.