500 Posts. I feel like looking back at some of them.

May 11, 2010 15:23

If you told me I'd still be typing my life back on September 20, 2006 while I was explaining how I picked the name, I'd likely be laughing at you. Little did I realize how ... interesting the next 43-and-a-half months would be.

Like Post #7, my first tournament report.
You'll have to imagine that I changed to an all-orange screen theme for post #11, as I thought I'd need this result for Division 1 of a Nationals I wound up not going to. This would not be the last time I changed the look for outside events.

I go international in posts 22 through 25. Part of the adventure into the land of the Maya.

I try "retroblogging" in Post 37 at the end of '06. I turn the memory clock back to March.

I show interest in green tech, or at least look for ways to phase out the car, in Post 40. The tag category for this ("The Joy of Techs") would not be coined for at least a year.

The next post, a week later, proves to be the start of the strangest story I have ever told. It started so innocently...

I get the camera (which no longer works with the new computer) and slot the picture round-about post 65.

On the way up to Vancouver '07, the last thing I was expecting was to win the whole thing, but as seen in post 71, that's exactly what happened. And I still haven't forgotten what I said, Frank.

I catch myself trying to analyze the Inês sequence in post 77. Someone was watching...
I think I can close the mystery out when nothing comes up on June 12th. Post 106 goes there. It ends up being a mistake.

I debut the No Faith In Faith Itself tag in post 108, here. It ends up responsible for most of my inbound comments.

The next post was my first of the post-cat era. Considering that all but about two of my years in Seattle had been be-catted (not counting the college years- Ms died while I was back from the first semester at Case, Musby arrived the November after I crashed out), this was an adjustment.

I announce the new e-mail (hotmail) address under this banner in post 121. I don't mention whose idea that was. Until post 130.

I get some unlikely translation help in post 140. A comment from someone I could never find again to thank.

Post 147, early in the second year, was the start of a strange sequence, where I thought we were going Back East, or to Spain again, but instead, Post 151 and sequence would be the chronicle of Dad's end.

One of my shorter and more memorable posts, 157.

Interestingly, my catch-up on lost opportunity post at the end of '07 was post #200. And I didn't even notice.

I explain how my politics works with my lack of religion in 205.

Things go rather quiet for memorability until this at 257.
I somewhat accidentally land the second blogiversary post as #300. I knew it was coming, and maybe shifted a few around, held off and one or two, that sort of thing.

My mother discovers the buzzsaw of tranonehalf as noted in post 309.

Post 355: Inês, meet my atheism. Changes nothing.

More unremarkable stuff, then I open a new tag category at post 366. Several previous posts get retro-tagged with Hunting the Wild Awesome.

Little did I know that a comment in post 384 here would turn into a running joke, as those "two extra W's" popped up on about five scorecards.

Post 398 was the first of five from Croatia.

I was unable to provide similar reporting from the other trip that summer. Chinese keyboards likely would have been a problem anyway.

The Move: Post 449. Bit of difficulties.

Post 461. In which I decide to join Facebook.

That was a neat trip through the archives.

welcome to my mind, steal this thought

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