Saturday: Dropped Sam off at 1812 for some minor maintenance repairs. Went up to Off The Wall for the L5R CE15 Draft tournament; went 1:3. Not great, but I haven't looked at L5R since the Kotei that I missed due to being sick, which led to discouragement. Tried to teach Jadam L5R, but customers took priority.
Sunday: Got to sleep in for the first time in weeks, spent some time with
aersi, and then went up to Glendale Falls for the first time in months. spent about 45 minutes there relaxing and recharging, and then drove home. Grabbed a quick nap and we went over to
renegadethumper and
deliriumdeva's place for steak and hangouts, which was a lot of fun.
Tonight is L5R, tomorrow is errands with
aersi, Wednesday is Off The Wall, Thursday is Star Trek: Solstice, and Friday is time with
aersi. Saturday is Dark Heresy: Carnal Embrace, and Sunday and Monday are days to ourselves.