(no subject)

Feb 01, 2008 17:08

Title: The Internet Is For Porn
Characters: Kristian/Elle, Elle/Niki, a bit of Kristian/Ali (very subtexty)
Spoilers: Up to Season 2.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1126
Summary: Kristian & Ali talk about femmeslash after Kristian finds some Elle/Niki.
Written For: Heroes Actor/Character Anonymous Slash Kink Meme with the prompt: Kristen/Niki, swimming pool (sorry, the prompt kinda got a little away from me)

Kristian was new to the show, part of the second season cast the fans hadn't taken a liking to yet. And although she didn't feel like a complete outsider due to Zachary's efforts to involve her in afterparties and nights out with the rest of the cast, she still felt like she moved to a new high school during senior year. They all knew each other, they'd formed their little cliques and they had their little inside jokes.

She so desperately wanted to break the ice with them that Kristian took to studying them. She devoured the gossip around the craft service table, learned people's daily routines and their secrets. Anything to get her foot in the door here and network until she was comfortably one of the gang.

If there was one thing being Veronica Mars for three years, and Elle for three episode had taught her it was that finding out the dirt on someone could be very useful.

She sat with her laptop in the break room, waiting to be called for the next scene. There was a wealth of information at her fingertips-- and some decent fanart too. Who knew Elle would look so cute as an anime character? And there was this thing called femmeslash. She didn't know what it was at first but then she started reading some:

Niki and Jessica having naughty fun time during Halloween.

Maya and Claire playing with vibrators in the shower together.

Angela and Eden getting it on in an elevator of the company.

She fished through the LiveJournal site, searching out the best ones out of the bunch. They turned her on a little, but she couldn't exactly get into them enough to physically feel anything tingly.

She was at this for an hour, reading fanfic when she ought to have been studying her lines for the next scene. Kristian was just about to stop when she saw a story with her own character listed as one of the main players. She was surprised, she didn't think any of the fans liked her that much. Oh, she tried to make Elle likable or at least relatable-- but in the end she feared her character was just a big bitch.

Her curiosity took hold and she told herself just one more before they called her back to the set. She began reading about the epic smutty love story of Niki and Elle, believing it would be enjoyable like the rest but not excite her too much. After all, who could really get turned on simply by words on a computer screen?

At first the smut was a little weird to read, especially the part about the small tattoo on her ass (how did anyone know about that?! She blamed Zachary and his big mouth). As time went on, she began to become more engrossed in the plot and it wasn't so weird anymore. In fact, she was becoming excited by picturing herself and Niki having sex in the swimming pool-- it was a great scene.. and it led to her to start playing with herself.

She drove her fingers in and out of her wet hole as she read the porn, striving to bring herself to climax. The song was right: the Internet really was for porn! And thank god for that! It was the perfect thing to alleviate the loneliness she'd been feeling since breaking up with her fiancé.

“Hey, new girl.” Ali spoke, walking into the room just in time to see Kristian climax and slam the laptop shut. She raised an eyebrow at the younger girl. “Oh.. I didn't mean to-- you know, you really shouldn't do that in here. Adrian could be anywhere with his camera and I don't think you want whatever you were doing leaked onto YouTube.”

“I-- I wasn't doing any.. I'm sorry.” Kristin blushed a shade of red so bright it made her pale face look like one big cherry. She stood abruptly, nearly knocking the laptop to the ground in her rush to make it look like there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary going on there. Her mouth gapped open when she turned towards Ali.. she would never be able to look at the other actress the same way again. How would she explain this? “I was just.. reading.”

“Let me guess?” She spoke like a seasoned pro. “You got your first taste of fanfic?”

Kristian nodded, still unable to look Ali in the eye after masturbating to her character. Ali didn't seem to mind though, she was quite flippant about the whole thing.

“Yeah.. it'll do that to you. I read Sylar/Niki when I have the chance.. and I'm pretty sure Zachary writes his own RPS. He's got such a thing for Sendhil, you know.” Ali didn't seem to notice that Kristian's eyes were growing larger at each bit of information she let out. “You just wait till they start shipping you into creepy situations. Like.. there was this one time when I read about Niki-slash-HRG-slash-Hal Sanders. It was in a word: disturbing.”

“Oh, so people might slash me with Bob?” Kristian grimaced. He was so old and it would have been rather incestuous, but from what she was reading on the fansites the people really liked the incestuous subtext of the show.

“You learn to accept it as a part of our lifestyle. People will always have weird kinks and who are we to stop them from indulging? I mean, it's not like they're physically forcing us into these situations and roles. It's all fiction.”

“Right. Fiction..” Kristian nodded slowly. If only it didn't hurt her brain so very much.

“So, what was that you were reading when I came in here?”


Ali grabbed the laptop out of Kristian's hands when the girl couldn't answer. “Oh, yeah, the swimming pool scene between Niki and Elle! I remember reading this one before I met you.. it kinda made me want to meet you in the first place.”

“Is that why you got Zachary to invite me to your house party a month ago?”

Ali smirked, but couldn't say anything before the loudspeaker in the room interrupted. “Kristian to set. Kristian Bell to set please.”

“I've gotta go.” Kristian told the veteran actress, but Ali was already too engrossed in the fic to bother to look up. Ali waved a lazy hand at Kristian as the girl tiptoed out of the room. “Okay.. I'll just leave you alone with the porn here. I can get my laptop back later. Um.. enjoy.”

The grin of pure lust that spread across Ali's face while she anxiously read each word was undeniable. She definitely would enjoy herself, alone with Kristian's laptop.

-The End-
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