Apr 08, 2009 02:09
To: country_boy@someisp.com
From: chad_the_rad@net.net
Date: April 8th
Subject: Tiny Girl Murders Lifelong Best Friend, Film @ Eleven
I would have called but it's late and I'd be all screamy and yelly and that would be bad even if I am sitting on the bathroom floor and relatively insulated from everything else in Casa del Fuckface.
You HAVE to do something about your redheaded cousin from HELL. I don't care what you tell him. I don't care what you say to him. Just make him STOP with the 'find Liam a woman' project before I kill him.
Unless you're actually okay with him pimping you out like that and if so, fine. I'll shut up about it...except that he better stop weaseling his way into conversations I am having with people for the sole purpose of finding out if the pretty girl (I guess she's pretty, Marcus looked like he wanted to hump her or sniff her hair or something else gross) is single and available.
I'm not trying to be all clingy and possessive or anything weird. You can do what you want but OMG. I can't deal with him and this new hobby. It's not cool. It's pretty awful and I want to poke him in the face only you know, I'm way too short and I'm pretty sure I'm incapable of actually hurting anyone.
Pretty sure you are capable of finding your own dates,
marcus is a fucker