On & On & On

Sep 27, 2005 18:32

The other night my hands reeked of glow-stick innards. i Don't think i planned that one out all too well. Harumph. iN the end Max Powers still got whacked in the head by one of those blasted glow sticks, so he can eat it. Hard. i Spent close to sixty or so bucks at my work last week. i Have had this problem. No changes here. Still chick-less, still working at the AC, still in college and still sleeping in when i shouldn't. And somehow i'Ve managed to fight the urge to call someone or turn my hair back to green. Nuckin futs.
iS it just me or are keggers just stupid? i Mean i understand that it's a big occasion, someone's birthday. Let's party. But no, not a fucking kegger. Fuck keggers. All that's going to do is attract stupid guys who are trying their damnedest to get with a chick before they get so trashed they end up with the ugly one they wouldn't touch if their hand was on fire and the only solution was to grab hold of the nasty jugs being offered from the grotesque broad. Yeah, i don't want that at my house. Who knows, in all reality there may only be like fifteen people who show up, not including us four roomies. But i don't like using reality as a basis. iF i were to set every thing according to reality, quite a few of my freinds and myself should have died a long time ago. Man, how the hell am i not dead?
Oh, i think i have a first show lines up for sometime in October. iF i remember right the 14th. At the Four White Walls. Who knows how that's going to go, but hopefully it will go sweetly. Yes, sweetly indeed. So uhm, how about those..one things...?
Dude, i saw Streetlight Manifesto for a third time recently. Man did that make me happy. Point/Counterpoint into Keasby Nights and back into the end of Point/Counterpoint. Man that little diddy makes me all giggly and happy-like inside. Eff yeah.

You ever have that dream where you think you go to school and go to every class, take small naps in class, and then walk home and pass out. And then you wake up thinking that you are so exhuasted from that day cause you didn't get much sleep, and maybe that explains why you don;t remember the day? Yeah, well i have. And it sucked. i Walked into class and they were asking me where i was. Man, that was disorienting.
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