So i was like, "Shit." and dey was all like, "Werd?" and then i came
all quick wit a, "Yup." and dems was all, "Damn." You know how we do.
Work, sleep, read Harry Potter and comics. Aside from that not too much
been happening. Hung out with the crazy chicks alot too. iT's four a.m.
and this is the first time i'Ve been online in a good week. Hooray Cox.
Hair's really green again, like a whole lot.
You ever been to a Guad Party? i'Ve been
going to them since i was in the Sixth grade. And these were the crazy
ones mind you. Sixth grade, my primo Nick and i would be sitting,
holding cups of jungle juice while the thong contest was going on
before us. Ah the days of Back Dat Ass Up Ent. Well i went to a "Guad
Party" the other night and i was very surprised. White
kids...everywhere. The house i hadn't been to since the old days of
playing football with my homies and being the "White Buffalo", but the
people didn't match the old description. Bierman, Carly, Courtney.
Marla, Amila, Amilia. People i would never suspect to be there. i Feel
my constant shut-in lifestyle is making me loose grip on how things
have changed. Haha, and who would have suspected another anti-white
people rant from me? Everyone.
There's so many people who i have been supposed to see this summer who i really haven't. Like these
Why did everyone have to drop off the face of the planet right as soon as i realized i don't do much without ya. i'Ve seen these
but that's those ones. i'Ve been led to do things like
and that's just sad. Or is it. You know what i'M saying?!