Sep 21, 2004 20:06
Alright define "Irony" for me. How's this for an example? Today at work, we came in a 6:30 in the morning. That's all fine and dandy now. We sit around for about 2 hours and finally start work and I'm forced, that's right forced, to go up in this cherry-picker thing called a JLG... it's this truck thing with a long arm/boom that can reach quite high into the air. It's got a decent sized bucket attached to the arm and can carry about 3 or 4 people safely. There are two of us in this JLG. We get in and raise it about 30-40 feet to get to the ceiling to work on some valves there. I, myself, am scared to death of heights so I'm holding onto the ropes and chains for dear, dear life. We sit up there for another hour or so contemplating what to do. Neither of us have any ideas, so we finally figure out how to fix the valve and we do... at the expense of another hour, of course. By now it's 11:00... time for lunch. Unfortunately, on my way to lunch my leader stops me and tells me to "meet him in a designated location right after I'm done eating." I look at him with a glazed over look after just spending 2 hours with this guy hanging in the air and ask him "O.K., so we don't get our official hour and a half for lunch anymore?" He gives me a look and leaves... I am forced to ponder on whether or not that was a good look, (take your time and eat buddy ol' pal), or it was a bad look, (why would you even ask me something stupid like that?) I end up eating quickly and going back to work at 11:30, completely disregarding my conscience telling me to run while I still can. We get back to work at around 12:30, (another hour wasted standing around and waiting), and I head back up into the swaying, teeter-tottering machine and up to the ceiling. We finished what we had to do up there and came down, only to find out that there was something else to do, (never saw that one coming), so we sit around for another 2 hours contemplating on how to repair this situation until we come to an agreement to go and fix it. We go and fix the situation... another two hours burned. By now it's 6:30 in the evening and we're all pretty tired and irritable. We sit back down and wait for our next job but it never comes. Through the whole wait period everyone was bitching about how late we have to stay and that there is so much work to be done and blah, blah, blah, blah. Now I ask you, do we need to come in at 6:30 only to sit around and do nothing for most of the day when the rest of the workforce comes in at 7:30? Nope... Do we have to take time out of our lunch break to do more sitting around and waiting just to sit around and wait? Nope... Now do we need to stay here as late as all hell only to find out that there is nothing more for us and hasn't been anything moe for us since around 4:00?!? Hell no... so why is the military run in such an ingenious way? I'll tell you why... it's because people like me aren't in charge, that's why!! Boo - ya!! yeah so I'm tired... gonna go see if Jenn is busy. Sorry about that last story of jibberish and that shameless plugging of myself... vote for me!!! M~