I'm opening up fic requests for anyone and everyone. Please comment and fill out the form below if you'd like me to write something for you! :D I'll do my best to fulfill your criteria. Please keep in mind that my main fandoms are Super Junior/Kpop groups, NEWS/Jpop groups, Harry Potter, and so on. That said, don't be scared to ask for something new! I'm always willing to try out a new fandom or pairing. I really like learning about new things. Here's your chance to have a say in what shows up in this journal!
For now, I'll do unlimited requests, but if it gets too crazy (school is a priority too), I'll have to cap it. If it works out well I'll likely do more in the future. :D
Please comment using this form! (Delete all the italiczed bits, as well, please~)
LJ Username:
Plurk (if you have one): If you don't, don't worry about saying "I don't have one", just delete this line.
Pairing: This is optional, and it can be romantic, friendship, family, etc. Please specify what sort of relationship you would like the characters to have with one another.
Rating: I'll do anything from G to NC-17 and everything in between. ;D
Genre: If you have something in mind (angst, fluff, tragedy, comedy, etc) please say so.
Notes/Details: Anything else you'd like to have included in the story.
Spread the word! If you'd like, use these banners! This is the reason why I don't have a graphics journal, by the way.