(Feel free to ignore if you're not into this.)
My feedback page on the forum is here:
http://feedback.bpal.org/censura.php?cmd=details&itemid=11274 LABELS
3/4 inch round labels for 5ml bottle caps - Coloured or plain white, $0.15/sheet, 28 labels to a sheet. The coloured sheets come in green (7), yellow (7), blue (7), and red (7). Pikcha:
1/4 inch round labels for imp vial caps - $0.20/sheet, 96 labels to a sheet. You will get green (24), yellow (24), blue (24), and red (24). Pikcha:
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d154/l6l803399/DSC00372.jpg Labels will be shipped in plain white envelopes. Shipping for these will run at $0.75 for Canada and $1.25 for the US.
Shipping: If we're swapping the shipping is free, of course.
Canada - 1-10 imps: $1.50 | Bottles: $10.00
U.S. - 1-10 imps: $2.50 | Bottles: $10.00
International - 1-10 imps: $4.00
NOTE: For my potential swapees, I'm located in Canada, so you might have to spend a bit extra to ship to me.
Unless otherwise stated, everything has come to me second hand and tested.
FOR SWAP ONLY - I am looking for Storyville, Fee, or F54
Treat #2
Beaver Moon 05
Pumpkin Queen
http://search.ebay.ca/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZl6l803399 ISO
Bottles to hoard (I will pick up any amounts of the scents marked with *):
- (LE) Original 13*
- (LE) Fee*
- (LE) Black Lace *
- (LE) Original Beaver Moon
- (LE) Kindly Moon
- (LE) Storyville *
- (LE) El Dia De Reyes
- (LE) Gingerbread Poppet
- (LE) Snake Charmer *
- (LE) Monsterbait: Underpants *
- (LE) Pink Moon
- (LE) Smut (any year)*
- (GC) 51
- (GC) TKO *
- (GC) Bliss
Impies to try:
- (LE) Strawberry SN*
- (LE) Strawberry Moon
- (LE) Formula 54*
fairnymph- Decant of Antikythera Mechanism.
- Paid for, will send with TAL Vs.