I must laugh sardonically.

Apr 11, 2005 19:45

In the hopes of teaching children better eating habits, Cookie Monster's "C is for Cookie" is being replaced by "Cookies are a Sometimes Food".

I'm sorry. I find it darkly amusing that Sesame Street could in any way be to blame for the obesity rates of the United States, considering how many countries it airs in.

At first I wondered if the execs thought kids had honestly gotten that much more stupid and swayable in the last thirty years. Then I realized that they must actually be trying to empower the children to save themselves. Unfortunately, the children are not in much power to save themselves. They are not the ones who put the cookies in the cubboard: the parents do. It is not up to Cookie Monster to teach the kiddies that cookies are a sometimes food for people. It is up to the parents to regulate the amount of cookies that enter their house. Even if they rely on baby-sitters, it is not the baby-sitters who stock their shelves at home. Even if the kids spend most of their time in daycare, how hard is it to raise them on the same Corn Flakes as their parents (should) eat? Heck, I grew up on Special K, not Captain Crunch.

I am probably not a good spokesperson for healthy eating; I myself am over the so-called healthy weight for an average person of my height by about fifty pounds. I honestly cannot stomach the taste of most fruits and vegetables. I would starve to death if I ever tried the Atkins diet. But I do what I can: haven't tasted white bread (though I've occasionally had Italian bread when eating out, which is a type of white, I think) in years; breakfast consists of an english muffin; more often than not I have one of those cheaper tv dinners when I get home from work, and those are not the type to have more than 300 calories, which is good considering I often go to bed within four hours of having dinner. My soda of choice is Diet Pepsi.

My problem isn't really my diet - I do the best I can with my finicky palate - but my lack of exercise. I understand Sesame Street is going to encourage that, too. Good for them.

Messing with Cookie Monster feels wrong to me. It just does. Let the blue carpet have his cookies.
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