Sep 16, 2005 01:32
Got new car. Took all of Wednesday, but danged if I didn't get one. Alas, an SUV, though not a particularly big one. It came with half a tank of gas: upon filling the other half on the way home from work a couple hours ago, I discovered that the gas tank is about twice as big as it was on the other car. Oog. I am hoping this means that I can fill up every other week now. Dropped the new car off at the mechanic's to get it looked over within the 3 day return window I have. Considering it's the brand he likes best, I have little worries there. When he gives the OK I get to walk over there, then take it a bit further down the road for the insurance place to get pictures of it on file. Going to ask the insurance place if they have pictures of my other car still. Considering making a scrap book.
Since Wednesday was taken up with car-stuff, I took a sudden day off that day. Watched a mediocre movie that night. Watched it because a commercial for it had caused a couple of characters I came up with in middle school - a fire fairy empress and an ice lizard soldier, to grossly summarize - to amuse my daydreams for half a day. Said movie had a princess who could manipulate fire, a prince who could manipulate wind, and a bunch of tiny plot points that did nothing to help the plot along - just muddled it. Their kingdoms were preparing to go to war with some other kingdom which didn't actually have a royal line, since nobody knew what became of the true line's descendants. The pair came across a rebel of that kingdom who wanted to find a way to stop the leadership from causing this war, and obviously, he was the last of that lost line. As such, he happened to have the ability to manipulate earth. In the anticlimax, the trio pooled their powers, causing the world to tremble at their might... and dashed the villainess with a little splash of lava. Yawn. Plot left plenty to be desired, but the effects were nice. It was enjoyable from an artistic point of view. Sexual tension was all but null, but the impression overall was that the fire princess would have her pick and everyone would be dandy with whatever she did. In personality the earth king would definitely be a better choice, but he had cheekbones that could gouge an eye out... if he put on some weight, wind prince would have only their longer friendship in his favor.
That night I dreamed the trio were in a narrow, desert canyon, just kind of standing around, having expected to find something that wasn't there. Its lack did not trouble them. Then some kind of enemy was sensed (not really seen) coming their way. They looked about, with vague curiosity, to see what could be done: apparently nothing, which is exactly what they did. Then a fairly young girl appeared, surprising none of them, and after she showed them a glowy rock suspiciously similar to what gave the three of them their powers, water seeped up from the ground, filling the canyon rapidly. Still the elemental royals did not appear particularly emotive - maybe a little curious where this water was coming from. The water rose above their heads: they watched it go. Only the unnamed girl bothered to tread water. The approaching enemy was vanquished without ever actually being visible.
It took me about three hours after waking to recall that dream. It made me smile, as my brain had apparently latched onto the next obvious step in so cliche a series: make two even pairs, with a female with power over water. The scene itself was actually derived from Escaflowne, which I watched last week - though in that movie there was only one character who was not particularly moved by rising water coming out of no where and flowing way above their head, and the "canyon" was an abandoned ball field. I wonder if the trio was looking for Lord Falkon. I don't blame him for skipping out.
In watching Escaflowne, I was amused to see a bunch of similarities to the storyline my co-writer and I were working on. A lonely dark-haired dragon prince with no court, on the run from his kin. Only those of dragon blood possessing magic. A dragon ability that was like an invisible wave of force, though animated to look like a shockwave that crumbled the ground in its passing. The dragons appeared to communicate telepathically as well, but that may have simply been artistic effect that made dubbing it far easier. Yet so far as I know, these are all parallels, coincidences. Briefly the series was on Saturday mornings, but I do not recall the prince or his kind being referred to as dragons, or possessing any more magic than the ability to sprout wings. That is something our dragons can no longer do. ;-)
I look forward to sleep, and hope to have another inspired dream. Inspired by a story of my own, that is. Inspired enough to write about.