Nov 17, 2005 22:57
Ok, I've had it up to here with this.
I CANNOT read bodylanguage. I CANNOT read voice tones, at least not well. I CAN understand the words people are saying. I CANNOT read into those words hidden meanings.
If you're sitting there speaking to me with that good old fucking British Reserve, I'm NOT going to realise that I'm pissing you off unless you just out and FUCKING SAY IT!
I have been telling people this for YEARS, and yet they still don't understand that IF THEY'RE SENDING ME CONFLICTING INFORMATION I'M NOT GOING TO REALISE I'M PISSING THEM OFF! Or I'm going to clam up and just stop talking unexplainedly in completely the wrong situation.
I'm not clever, I'm not a good thinker, I CANNOT read people, ok? If I'm doing something that's pissing you off just FUCKING WELL TELL ME, DON'T expect me to work it out, because.