blue_fjords, I blame you.
Okay, open discussion for anyone who feels like wandering in. I'm working, by request, on a meta on how to write emotional or difficult subject matter.
For the writers among you: how do you deal with emotional subject matter in your stories? Do you think about how to construct the fic, do you think specifically about how the
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I don't think I do it all that well, actually. When I write, I tend to have fics that are more "action/adventure/let's eschew the deep thoughts" or "ramble of deep thoughts" and neither the twain shall meet. I also have random violence, though I hope it portrays the fragility of life around Jack more than just violence for the gore value. The only time I consciously made a decision before I started writing that a specific act of violence was going to occur was for the second part of the AU, and the characters aren't done dealing w/ the fallout, if in fact they ever will be. I did check to make sure something like that could happen.
The only things of this nature I tend to avoid are rape and extreme humiliation. I've stopped reading b/c of rape scenes before. I read them in published novels, but don't seek them out. I think it's very difficult to deal w/ the aftermath of rape realistically, and I don't want to read a fumbled attempt at it. As for the extreme humiliation, it makes me physically uncomfortable. Even though I love rm and kalichan's opus, there are a couple parts I don't ever re-read b/c they disturb me too much (and I'm fine w/ the breathplay, so...). Same w/ neifile7; she put a humiliation warning on something and I haven't gathered the courage yet to see how disturbing I would find it, and I adore her writing.
As far as fics making me cry, demotu's story where Ianto is held prisoner by UNIT made me cry. I think she captured very well the mindset of being a prisoner; specifically what that would do to Ianto and for that particular crime. And IHNIIHBT of course had me sobbing like a baby all throughout the final installment. Fics that deal w/ loss do that -- there's one, I don't know who it's by, but I've never been able to re-read it b/c it made me cry too much. It's a Jack/Ianto love scenario where Jack is wandering the cosmos after Ianto's died and at one point he is beaten by these aliens b/c he doesn't have a partner and it just turned me into a mess.
I have missed some questions, I think, but now I'm all teary-eyed and will have to come back.
And now that I see what you're looking for in the meta, I'll try to focus on that. So, you know, come back and ask more!
That is, indeed, very interesting. B/c he does talk about his parents' divorce in that, but what I immediately connected to was the controlling nature of his anger. My dad has his own issues w/ anger, but he's mellowed as he got older. Most of it was due to getting out of a very high-stressful situation and finding something new he felt he could dedicate his life to.
What is it about the way a fic handles emotional subjects or difficult subjects that makes you go, Yes!, and what makes you go, No!, very loudly?
It's if I can see it playing out before me. This is why MPREG fails a lot for me. It's so often written as a feminized version of Jack is pregnant as opposed to the Jack we all know and love is pregnant. Actually, I've never read a believable Jack is pregnant story. I've seen two believable Ianto is pregnant stories, and that's b/c Ianto was still Ianto, and everyone reacted as I would expect them to (the dsudis story and the amazonqueenkate story). But when Jack starts spouting, "Yan! I don't know if the baby's okay!" and bursts into tears, I tune out. Even pregnant, that's not how Jack would express his fears.
As a writer, I do tend to insert myself to a certain extent, but almost exclusively on lighter issues, or issues that aren't as controversial. For example, I'm a toucher and I think Jack's a toucher. Jack is always touching his team in my fics b/c that's a way I can connect to him. I think most people would agree that Jack is rather hands-on, but I perhaps go a little overboard in that department. Also, I talk to myself and I think Owen does, too. I usually have Owen maintain a snarky inner monologue b/c that's a place we connect. I am much more hesitant to work in some things that I have firsthand experience of that I would label "emotionally difficult," partly b/c I don't know how I would react if someone said, "that's not so." It is so. And I want to be careful that I'm not just forcing my own experiences onto characters who, realistically, would not have them or we haven't seen anything in canon to indicate that they have.
So thanks for opening up this dialogue!
Final version is the journal entry before this one. But, you know, not much is changed except that Jack doesn't hit Ianto any more. Thanks for that, btw! Loadsa compliments on that!
And you have a Janto icon. Did you always have a Janto icon? I can't remember...
I've had this gorgeous icon since, oh, within a month of To The Last Man airing, I think.
'Tis a gorgeous icon. I keep staring at it...
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