Dec 29, 2004 13:04
I thought it was time i gave this thing some attention. As if it was some poor neglected chocha *dusts off cobwebs...wipes with femenine refresher cloth*
So I am now 29...huzzah, i suppose...LOL. Met Sean's parents and brothers and sister in Arizona, then on to Miami for the family christmas drama. And isnt it always drama? ugh. My grand mother, readying for her colon operation this week, insisted on giving me the details on her vaginal infection, then colonoscopy, then bowel movements....:|
she's also asking for great grandchildren....or at least for me to make something legal before i turn up pregnant. because living on my own and having a boyfriend, i am obviously not respecting myself enough to remain chaste....yeah...:|
my mother is an elitist, ignorant, orpinionated...and is utter hell to watch a movie with. my one cousing is 14 and surely going to get herself pregnant early on...the 12 year old is smarter-but knows too much for her own good.
my father is a sweetheart that lets himself be walked all over...
and Sean is wonderful...listens whenever i need to vent.
the people i truly consider friends are wonderful as well....Shanna, Josh, Reb, Jesse, Becksy, Becky...even you, Kelly, with your missing-in-action-ness...
have had NO money for the holidays...for a few books for the little ones in my life.
had a bit of money for spending on the trip...
bought the brightest touristy 60's hawaian dress in the Arizona Goodwill store (thrifty-ness) for $6, and a cook book for $1
bought a sackload of goods and tacky religious knick-knacks while in Miami...
well....that was nice and random...must get back top work now...