Feb 22, 2003 09:30
Sorry about that last journal... I just couldn't help myself, I felt mischeivious... Damn my ability to write in english is getting so bad! I start midterms on tuesday grr! Not looking forward to art history midterm, too much information has been thrown from Filiberto Braccelente with no logical pattern and in a non linear path... can't tell what is ranting from him and what is important. My notes from that class are totally bisarre! I think cinema will be a breaze and I am not real worried about italian either because the stuff we've gone over so far is the stuff I taught myself before I came here (yes pathetic isn't it, we are babied in that class ridiculously!) I leave for germany thursday night. I spent the night in bologna's airport and will arrive in germany at 10:15 on friday morning at which point I will be desperately attemping to get to Paderborn on my own... I'm a little nervous... thinking about this trip a lot. Money situation is still desperate,, I still have no way of accessing my cash, hopefully the situation will remedy itself before I leave for germany! So no one has said anything about what they think about me attending U of M instead. And Gail if you can think of any other winterguards we can go to other than interplay let me know!