Dec 20, 2005 11:36
Haven't updated in a while. Thought I might say a few words before vanishing again into Deviant Art world and my drawings.
Let's see... Friday, Hilchan and I went to see Lion, Witch and Wardrobe. Totally freakin' awesome! I love dit. I was so amazed at how well the movie went along with my memories of the book. Hilchan, who has never read the books or seen the old cartoon, loved it as well. I think she might have even teared up at the stone table.
Saturday was lunch with my mom, stepfather and sisters. They were passing through town on their way to the Atlanta airport. They're spending Xmas in New York. We met up at Jim & Nicks. We gave them presents and got some for us. Mostly cash, but there was also food.
Hilchan and I were bad and used some of the money we got to pick up a few games and books for us. Originally, we went to look and start pricing flat screen TV's, but the money was just burning a hole in our pockets, so we had to buy, buy , buy. I got the Chainfire novel by Goodkind, as well as the new Darth Vader novel... which is supposed to be about him hunting down all of the old Jedi's. Hilchan, on th eother hand, got Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2. Awesome game so far.
Sunday was supposed to be a visit to Auburn to spend time with Hilchan's family, but the signs pointed us elsewhere.
See... ever since Hilchan decided we had to go, a car light for the gas cap came on. That was it. No engine problems, just that the gas cap was loose, but everything we checked it and tightened it, the light stayed on. Saturday, the car decided to light up another light. We decided that we couldn't go to Auburn and called her family. Not an hour after the call... both lights went back out.
Signs. Gotta love 'em.
Monday I called in sick since Hilchan and I spent all day Sunday playing DQ8. That gave me time to read one of my books... I'm telling you. Anyone that likes fantasy novels has got to read Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. After Chainfire, supposedly there are only two books left... and the next one is due out soon.
But anyway... now it's Tuesday. I have ot get caught up on all of my web comics and porn spam on my email accounts. ::: sigh :::
Tonight hilchan and I are gonna finish all of our Xmas shopping and then sleep the sleep of the tired and sleepy.
Hope all is well with everyone out there.