So, I totally have a boyfriend...

Aug 20, 2013 02:31

I love him more than words can say. creature-sh, though he's never on here, gives me peace and feelings of love and home. Y'all know the rarity of that. The sheer turmoil that's been my life. He makes me see things positively. I'm not as snarky (I know, right?) and I'm working on an adult relationship where I listen, compromise when necessary, and never run. Yep, he's 6 time zones away, but planes exist for a reason. He makes me...happy. Like, really, truly to the deepest core happy. burningchaos, you've seen my eyes, how they look sad. Electrify them, make them shine blue. That's the glowing look I give all the time. I can't stop smiling. That's the person he's turned me into. And I like her. I like this version of me. This is a contented Beatrice.

To be a complete dork, I hear Leonardo DiVinci quote, from Ever After, where he says: "SHe's your match, Henry Jesi." And he plays with me, keeping me feeling young. He makes me feel sexy; that I'm pretty enough. And we all know my body issues. And the thing is? All those years of people saying I was pretty? He's the first one where I somewhat believe him. Sometimes I fall back on old habits, but he reminds me, patiently, of how I really am. He makes me believe what everyone has been saying because he calms me; from the center out, he can talk me out of my demons, the ones that people have instilled in me.

And I'm sure my guy is blushing deep red right now. *waves at the hot German boyfriend* Love you too, darling.

me: boys, real life: social life, me: dating, me: thinness, real life: mental, real life: happy times, me: reflections

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