So, a lot of long short

Mar 23, 2013 13:59

I know, I never update this thing. Sorry, just there never seems to be any reason. And I forgot my Dreamwidth password/lost access to my old gmail, so yeah, just here.

I'm going to be moving out of my godmom's by the 1st. Not because I want to, but they want us out of here. Mama's not able to live by herself and I can't make the qualifications to be her roommate, so. Yeah. Anyway, I don't think mama's coming back anyway. She's falling way too much. She'll be in physical rehab until at least mid-May and after that, honestly, I can't take care of her anymore. Her mental state is not that great. There's not enough good short-term memory to let her stay home alone. A couple months ago she almost burnt the house down while holding a grease fire in a pan. I just can't trust her to take care while I'm gone. And neither did the ER doctor.

It's a sudden, get out thing, because her son came into town riding in on his white horse....with a 13 year old power of attorney that he no longer has any rights to. Hasn't seen his mom in 16 years. Showed up, did a lot of legal maneuvering that left me no choice but to leave this apartment. On the positive side, we'll be saving like 2500 a month. Which is a plus. I'll be living with my biomom, she who I have a ton of issues with. But you know, whatever. At least I'll have Direct TV until I find a roommate and job situation.

School updates include my presenting at a panel for a conference on a paper I didn't finish because my partner bailed out (but wanted to present) and I dropped Advanced Comp a month ago because my teacher made me feel like shit for not being a magical grammar genie or something. Our president bounced cause he can't get Board of Trustees without a certain amount of students and my favorite teacher is out by the end of this semester Been a good week, lemme tell you.

Oh, and my doctor is leaving, but thankfully, my nurse isn't. Oh, and shark week sucks. *grumbles* But my doc thinks I'm losing weight, and I think she's right. I'm losing like a dress size a year without trying. Once shark week ends and my life gets a little leveled, I'm going to go swimming at my school's pool. I do best when I can get aggression out through some physical activity. I'm in therapy, but, ha! It's the school's version. I need to find a real therapist, like for real that I can afford at some point.

Anyway, that's my update. If you'll excuse me, I need to go dry some pants so I can go do some visiting before I go back and see mama later tonight. I have to come back and pack her stuff. I'll miss the Kings playing the Canucks, but meh, whatever. My boys either will power through or won't. We'll see. And let's hope my Glads do some serious damage. Plus, you know, I'd like for Boychuk to sit still for ten minutes. Thank you.

real life: job, real life: health, real life: car, me: deeper inside, family: issues, me: quit, real life: apartments, sports: hockey, me: mother, real life: school work, real life: school, family: godmom

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