And I'm bullet forming my life again, kids

Jul 17, 2011 08:01

1) Look at my shiny new Jessica mood theme by kohler.

2) Five hours of orientation for college is four hours too long. Seriously! It was so damn boring that I'd almost rather be watching Twilight on marathon for 24 hours. Those that are on my Twitter are quite aware. Logging onto my Banner, I found that I got 18k in loans and grants. I really don't need that much so I need to go to my Aid office and see if I can one less loan. I'd like to save SOME debt for grad school and not undergrad. I also had to do an online orientation for Blackboard. Y'all...I got about 75% of my AS online. I know that one, completely. Also, it's like a month until college and there's no online classes so I have to show up to them all. Ugh, completely new study habits to force now.

3) My hand is doing fucking fantastic. No, seriously. In about 10 days, it's probably about 60% healed. Which is good news folks. I was tired of wrapping it up in gauze and antibiotic cream most of the day.

4) I gots a new phone. If I had your number and you want my new one, let me know on LJ or Email. This is final call, folks. If you want to give me yours and you are NOT a random passerby on a friendsfriends list, let me know. I love my Evo Shift. It's my favoritest toy ever. I can make up my purdy little excel sheet for Dragon*Con and use it. I missed that the past couple years so damn much you can't understand. And it's just got so many FUN THINGS TO DO. It's an endless supply of free enjoyment. Not to mention it's an e-reader without having to buy one. Did I mention the free shit? Love. It. I read almost 2 short stories near the end of that orientation from hell.

5) It's 8am and I need to get some sleep at some point. I'm exhausted, plus I need to do more of my workshop homework. I'm quickly discovering I suck as a writer. Very, very much so. But well. Yes. I know. Bedtime.

***5a, aka PS) I love SyFy's shows. That is all. I've missed my shows so, so much. It's making the summer go by so much faster now. However, my need to watch Torchwood has forced me to spork my eyes out. The only reason worth watching is Gwen. Because she's Gwen. And if anyone wants to see not!HelenCutter on a SyFy movie, try Super Eruption. And I've just discovered what the fuck On Demand is. Oh my god, how did I live without this before?!
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