I don't even. The challenge was to make a Stargate movie trailer based on another movie trailer...and after trying Pandorum (would make a GREAT Michael and Weir amensia one, alas my imagination wouldn't cooperate) and The Immortals (all of SGA Season 1, especially bows and arrows with a lot of Sheppard shooting) I finally found one when I was attempting The Immortals. I realized I had majority of the clips with Teyla and Sora. Thus, I was on the hunt for a good movie trailer that worked. Charlie's Angels didn't work, though it would have featured Teyla, Elizabeth, and Sora. Sora was gonna replace Cameron Diaz, Elizabeth as Drew's, and Teyla would be Lucy's. My brain, she be cracky. It didnt' work for any of the Aliens, either. I finally, finally found one with Wonder Woman (the animated movie from 2009). It's not perfect looking but I kind of got tired of dealing with it. I hope the volumes are okay. I think my speakers might be wonky now. Oh, and wait for the last of the credits.
(Also, this is not Teyla the cat. Just so we're clear.)
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Wonder Woman Trailer: Teyla from
veracity on
Now I go to bed. G'nite, Children of Earth. I'm so not. My brain has landed about six galaxies to the left and a couple circles to the right. It's a special world I live in, I tell you. Be glad you're not here.