Jan 08, 2011 05:23
So, I'm addicted to bad porn, but I like the storylines surrounding it more than the butt-bumping. It reminds me of Dark Angel, the transgenics trying to be part of the human society, to blend - except a little more animal than human.
I read two of the books in about 14 hours, the latest two. I should have been doing homework. I knew I should. I didn't care. I love the books, even if the writer is getting more repetitive than Nora Roberts. I love the world, the different effects that inspires the porn. And I've yet to find a good site for fanfic. The one time I want to read the damn things, too! I've found a couple terrible pieces that needed a beta, badly, but nothing else.
I know Lora Leigh isn't the best writer...or even good really. But she has a very good world-building sense, like Breed Law. For me, that is imperative when reading a book. I skip the sex, just the cutesy baby speak in less rough romance, when reading. I focus on the parts that interest me. I like the alternate world that was created. Do I like all the characters? Hell. No. I hate Storme something fierce, Rachel isn't high on my list either. The Leo can go bump himself. My favorite females are Dawn, Ashley, and Emma. For me, they work best. And Dawn's story is so utterly heartbreaking. The men mostly suck in that they're those true Alpha males, but I don't read the books for them. I read them for the world where the the Breeds are fighting for basic rights. The pain and struggles. I do get hella annoyed that the non-Breeds mates seem to be like 24 and mating up, as well as being more genius than Dr. Spencer Reid, Rodney McKay, and Charlie Eppes combined before mid-teens. But I enjoy the fights, the protection, the action of those characters.
I'm pretty simple. I like the good guys to win, however they may fall on the scale (heroes aren't always your best, you know, since they can hide dirt better), and I like the bad guys to have a chest wound the size of Texas while being neutered without sedative. I'm a simple sort, really. But I like a world that's got some tense. Take out the porn and I'd probably really love the books. You can only read so many sex scenes a book though. Or hell, a chapter sometimes. Especially when they trotted out every other couple of books.
And the more...emotionally stunted part of my mind likes to spin out what it'd be like to live among the Breeds. You know, before I again neutered someone. Because there's a small fear in me that I'm never going to find someone that can be my match in any way. But shhhh...we don't talk about that.