Sep 22, 2008 20:36
So, apparently, Twisting the Hellmouth has been redirected to another domain since no one's heard from Jinni in six months. To be honest, I'd be pitching an ungodly fit if I were Jinni. Shit, she's been running the archive for how long? More than 4, I know that, since it was pretty damn popular when I joined ages ago. If you visit the original, you're automatically rerouted. Someone tries this with me, and I will find their asses and hand them back, because whether I do a lot or not, it's still mine. There is no sense of entitlement when I'm paying for the domain name and hosting. Hell to the no. I'm glad I didn't host the archives I wanted at the time. Though I miss the Neville Longbottom one that was briefly up.
fandom: buffy