September: Life in Progress

Sep 21, 2008 04:20

Long post will be long since it's pretty much a month's worth into one condensed soup.

So, to start. I went to Dragon*Con, while I had fun, it was terribly lonely. Everyone had friends to pal around with, and me, not so much. *glares at natacup82* So I was pretty lonely. I just watched most of the panels on my television and ordered in a lot of room service. My legs were killing me for some reason, and to the boys on my list - I would cover the eyes now - my period made walking pretty much nonexistent. I usually get really, really bad back pain on the early half. Okay boyos, you can relook. Now, I did get to the Walk of Fame and got to meet Rainbow Sun (boy is sex on a stick, I swear) and he was fantastic. He had a lovely personality, and no, that's not code. Poor guy felt bad. While no one was waiting to talk to him, I got a longer chat time. Heh! Like 15 minutes or something. And I go to talk to Torri again. We're in agreement that the SG writers FUCKED her character UP. Total agreement. She was as baffled by Weir in space as the rest of us. And she was glad that people supported her decision.

I also met Morena, simply because I loved Adria, and Nykl. Everyone commented on how I spell Jessie (Jesi). As I told them, if I'm going by a name, I want to go by one that makes me stand out among the herd. And I do it quite well, I believe. However! The SG folks might have to lick my feet if they keep going up 5 bucks a year. 30/person is ridiculous. Utterly so. Even Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk were only 25, Matthew Lewis was 20. Really, 30 is unbelievable. Nathan wrote on my pic "stay skinny" and it made me laugh once I read it. Because god knows...ahem. But he was sweet, even though it was like an assembly line. He seemed surprised I know him as Joey instead of Caleb or Mal. Sorry, I'm a daytime geek from long ago. He was on recently, at Asa's funeral, and I was squealing a bit. And Alan was sweet when I said I wanted to meet him after his 2006 appearance and how funny he'd been then. And Matthew was so sweet. His mom raised a terrific boy. And he's legal, so I could drool over the accent without being skeevy. Well, I should amend, too skeevy. He's still only a year older than my baby brother.

And I met a local author, who was incredibly funny and was shocked when I handed her a brush since she'd mentioned that she needed one. Y'all know me. If someone needs something, I just give. I don't ask for anything in return. I just figure it's what a caring person does: helps. So I ended up getting an autographed book for free because of that. I had a fun time at the Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance tracks, since a) they were in the Hyatt with me and b) I'm the genre's bitch. She was fun to talk to. I need to catch up with her actually since I finished the book. I also got roadtriphome's signed sketch. Speaking of, Airbear, it'll be in the mail soon. Right now I'm working on packing so I need to uncover it before I can.

I had a bad sugar moment Sunday night and by then the room service people knew me. The guy went and got me a second Coke since the one I got fell. And it took me 20 minutes to get that energy up. It was a bad night, really. I had one.....Friday, too. I think I was just stressed out. I had to do so much freaking homework over the Con, too. It was ridiculous. Just because I don't have class doesn't mean I don't have plans, damn it. But I have rooms for next year set aside for those coming. I can rearrange as needed closer to it.

Oh, and I've heard a few of the various hotel staff say next year they want to join in the fun and play. I say, yay. Convert, damn it, convert.

My Birthday
So, I turned 27. I feel 18. It's weird. I feel like I should be further, which we've established a couple weeks back. I want to thank everyone for the presents and birthday wishes. it means a lot. A lot of my time growing up, it was forgotten or shoehorned. Welcome to Drama Lounge, where Jesi's birthday is always in the middle of some argument. My godmom bought me the iPhone the day it came out. The rest, hell, I don't know. We'll see. I haven't seen my dad since right before. It was nice, though. I ate at ROOM, which has the best food ever. I got to pick and I love their salmon sushi. I'm picky, and I refuse to eat anything but salmon. I know what salmon is. I practically live on it anyway. I had creme brulee for dessert.

So, I've been scouring, looking for an apartment. I'm doing my best to get into Georgia State by January, and I figure I should be in town to do this. So! I have an apartment starting Nov. 1st. Later I need to go get my financial statement and license scanned so I can send it to her. I've got to pay two months down since I'm jobless, but it's going to be fairly inexpensive, given my location. It's 600 sq ft, shotgun style. I'll switch the living room and bedroom, to get more living space. My godmom is going to buy my bed (yay!) so I can use the money to get a decent tv (I only need one). I need to get my dresser redone. I'll have to get my stepdad to take it to a refurbisher person, too. Hey, Atlanta people, know any close to Lawrenceville? I need to get it stripped and redone in lighter tones. It'll be perfect for a lingerie dresser. My walk in closet will be great for storage. I have a bathroom big enough to close the door while peeing (big deal to those of us that can't pee standing), and an eat-in kitchen. My color scheme will be yellow (that's on the walls), blue, black, and white. I'll change the colors in the living room (lavender instead of blue) and some green in the bathroom (repaint the walls a ligher blue and update it). I can have a cable box and wireless. Which is perfect. It's going to be so awesome. AND! I can have two cats. Oh, I love my cat. She needs a friend. And now she can have one. I'm so excited. I can't wait to decorate in m own style.

Fulton County Demands My Attention
So, remember my wreck, that improper backing shit? Yeah, apparently Fulton County has this weird shit where I have to show up, in court, to pay some fucking fee. Which makes no damn sense. I was going to fight it, but really, I didn't have time to do research or anything. So fuck it. Whatever. But I've gotta take a lot of shit, and I need to find out where I wrote it down. That's Tuesday. As in, the day I usually do my homework shit. Damn it, my day is all moved to hell because after that, I won't have much energy. Why can't people just pay it, leave the judges from dealing with more important issues, and we all go home happy? Cripes my city can be stupid sometimes. Well, stupider.

So the rest I'll update later. But that's a good start on the month so far.

real life: birthday, real life: apartments, fandom: dragon*con 2008

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