I...scary myself.

May 21, 2007 01:03

Okay, so I've been doing a lot this weekend, but I don't want to bore you. And I'll avoid the "I FUCKING HATE WALGREENS WITH THE PASSION OF A MILLION EXPLODING SUNS" situation that happened earlier this week. (Short story: they made me miss a day's worth of Lantus dosage. Therefore? I'll be leaving their sorry pharmacy.) I'm sure no one cares all that much. Did write a sga_flashfic yesterday, though. Well, polished it up. Also did some SFA nomming.

So I'm watching "Inferno", aka Cockblocking Sheppard episode, and I got to thinking. Dangerous thought, isn't it? Anyway, there needs to be more Jonas/Vala stories out there. Where she's all treasure hunter, and lands on his planet (or they meet on a random one). She seduces him, thinking that Jonas knows about a specific treasure (and picks up some naquadria, too). Maybe they meet again in the future, somehow involving SG-1 (either team). Yeah, you get the idea. (And the cop-out answer being I couldn't come up with anything past that.) I shouldn't be allowed to play in public, should I? And didn't that just sound dirty?

Okay, I'm going to bed. *waves goodnight*

medical: insulin, sga episodes, sga

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