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audreyscastle March 31 2007, 00:38:17 UTC
Well, if it makes you feel better, SGA isn't the only fandom playing that record to death. But I don't have anything much to add because I agree with you....totally agree, actually. Fandom politics, wherever they are, make me roll my eyes. But I've seen it before...nothing new here, no matter how creative the "warriors" think they are.


veracity March 31 2007, 00:50:23 UTC
Oh, it's definitely not the only playing ground, fandomally speaking, but it's been pretty...prevalent in the past couple days. I don't get why everything has to be addressed as an affront to everyone else. I mean, frankly speaking, it's an AU story that's just supposed to be cute and funny. Not everything should be focused on political agendas. It seems like this week that people think their versions are the only ones worth discussing, and that's not true. You wanna talk about the racism? Fine. Do it in your journal, in a logical manner. Otherwise, nothing's gonna come out of it.

Honestly, all this meta has made me NOT want to *be* a part of a pretty cool fandom. The entitlement issues just make me wanna scream. It's no longer fun, and that's a pity. I read Livia's post, and with all due respect to her, it's not *my* job to write up a story that makes sure everyone's an equal. It's not realistic because I can't perceive to understand all my audience's triggers. Nor should I have to.

Fandom is supposed to be fun. Not a lecture on


audreyscastle March 31 2007, 01:01:21 UTC
I totally, totally see what you're saying. Heh, even seeing that post, I went and thought about my The Bar AU, in which Atlantis is a bar...Rodney plays piano, John tends bar, Teyla and Ronon own the place....guess that's equal enough. :-D

I find I'm much happier if I just don't go to places like fandom_wank....I know they're there, but if I don't go look, they can't piss me off!


veracity March 31 2007, 01:12:18 UTC
I didn't even pause to think about if mine were equal. I've written semi-AUs before. But the fact of the matter is I can't write about racial issues when I'm not on that side of it. It's better to avoid and muck it up, then write something for the sake of it. My opinion anyway. I typically write Ford, Teyla, and Weir...once with Sora. All characters that are largely unpopular in fandom. I don't like them because everyone else does (or doesn't). I like them because they ping with me. I wrote "A Friendly Face" where Teyla and Ford were friends, or the beginning of, and those are people of color. I didn't discuss it because it's NOT the defining issue of them with me. They've got more to them than that. And she was the only one to get a present ( ... )


audreyscastle March 31 2007, 01:16:33 UTC
Oh, I don't think about it either, I just write. I just went to think after seeing the wank. :-D I don't write Ford much because he never clicked with me, but I write a lot of Weir, a lot of Zelenka....they did. And I like using Teyla. I write with who works with me for a story....so yeah, I see what you're saying. quite the little mutual admiration society going on here! :-P But, seriously, if you write to please/displease someone else, you're never gonna be happy....because you're not following your heart.


veracity March 31 2007, 01:33:34 UTC
I meant I didn't even question it after the wank. I write Ford because I liked him. He was a golden retriever and I love the exuberance. And I like that he was Teyla's little brother at times. I like Weir because she's understated, not over the top like so many of the cast, but it comes across...her strength. A lot like Teyla really. I'm not going to tell everyone I hate Kavanugh and none is allowed to write the little prick as someone with depth. Or that Miko's a wasted scientist. It's not my place to tell them in an AU that Kav shouldn't be the president and Miko the local newswoman. It's not my story. I can either click out or not leave a review. It's pretty simple process. When you stop writing for yourself, you lose the voice that's been worked so hard to gain. Nothing's worth that.


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