Life In A Nutshell
Okay, so the rundown with my dad. We spent over an hour talking, discussing. Somethings about my stepmom, others not. Just how we've been feeling, Michael Vick, and the state of our area slowly falling into disrepair. It was good. He said that once a month, when he has a 45 minute lunch break, we'll met up and discuss things. I told how I feel like I'm not allowed to have a relationship with him, because she won't let me. He started to talk, but I overrode him, and I made him really think about all those things. I gave him a month to ponder the past 10 years, to take into account all the times she's felt threatened. Which I told him I don't get because father and daugther relationships are completely different. He really, really listened. And he wants to have a relationship with me. Like he made that clear. Do you know how much better that made me feel? Also touched base on him about why JB, her kid, can get away with so much, but I have no leeway. That got him thinking, too. You can practically see the wheels turning when he concentrates on things. I have a feeling a hammer is going to come down on her soon. It did on my mom. No wife is immune, he just takes 11 years to do it.
Other than that. My mom left my aunt to take care and rest at her family's house. Left my aunt without someone for like four days. I would have gone, but I'm not speaking to my mom and that would put me in a position that I'd have to stay there and she wouldn't come back. I'm not being mean to my aunt, not really. I'm just putting my foot down on being used. My mom told my aunt (who told my godmom) that she was surprised I didn't come over, and really, I should get over and just apologize to her. Me? I don't think so. I didn't start this. I'm not the emotional whipping girl anymore. I'm over it. At 25, I'm finally starting to stand on my own, starting with my ability to not be used like that. Not my problem, it's theirs. Aunt also decided I'd just be coming over, without asking. I don't think so. I put a stop to that, too. Again, not being used today. Go me.
I've had insomnia, it's getting worse. I'm hoping for better soon. Stress does that.
natacup82, I got "Razor Burn." I'm scared to read it. So much. *shudders* But I will be starting it later. Leaving my Nora Roberts re-read for after, to cleanse my brain since I have no bleach handy. Also? I noticed that SEP's non-Chicago Stars (other than "Ain't She Sweet?!") aren't as good. I wonder why. Anyway, that's all from me right now. Oh! That movie Gryphon? Totally bad but the best cheesy way possible. I laughed so hard. Plus, you know, Amber Benson and Jonathon Lawhatever (The District), what's not to love. Seriously. Hotness with his manself. Nugh. Oh!! And Jack's tooth is back. Which is a plus. And I got two months worth of Humalog free from Lilly. Awesomeness. Seriously, that's like 300 bucks saved. More later.
Recs By Me
Ava Character Study by
autumn_whispers. (Supernatural)
Gryphon fic by
autumn_whispers. (Gryphon, Skiffy movie)