After much frustration and desire to kill every single person that works at Bellsouth, the house is networked up...or whatever the hell that term is. Either way, godmom's computer is wified. Woohoo! This was done BY the Bellsouth people over the phone, after much begging, screaming, and even hanging up on someone. I do not hang up on people, but when I am just told the same thing four fucking times in a row, I tend to get upset. Since we have fiber optic lines, we don't need a modem and such. Which means that the routers they have don't work. When did I find this out? After I begged for the eighth time. That's right. Eight times before I could get an answer. God, I hate people that can't answer basic questions. FINALLY, I was given people with common damn sense and all was set up in less than an hour. It wasn't even their router, but one from Best Buy. Go them. Seriously. Everything was done by me. That took most of yesterday, I have to say.
Past that, I have done pretty much nothing except mock the stupid of Heroes fandom. Seriously, everyone in it must share ONE brain or something. I think HP makes more sense. Cassie Claire, MsScribes, Heidi, all them are smarter than the Heroes one. That's just...sad, y'all. Very sad. Other than that, I had to put my new keyboard up, since the brilliant person I am, I knocked hot cocoa on the one that the computer came with. Dude, it's just good that I had the extra laying around. I'm awesome like that. Tomorrow I'll hopefully have energy enough to do my errands. I've had little to no energy the past couple weeks. It's weird. Probably depression, small bouts of it. Usually happens around the holidays. It doesn't help that I'm looking at the condos downtown and going "God, I wish I had the cash to buy one." I would love to be down there. I don't like the suburbs, too damn quiet. What else?
OH! My mom, god, she's a moron. I know, I know. Love thy mother, but does that count for the fool I have? She decided that my cousin Tammy and I could split taking care of my aunt, because we don't have families, therefore no one would be inconvienced. Right. Just, you know, us. And why does she want a break? I'll tell you. She doesn't get enough time to have sex with my stepfather. God, that woman is foul. Literally, all she can think about is their sex life and the lack of "quality time," which is again sex. Ugh, she just tells my godmom that. She used to tell her about the lack of sex with my dad, too. Like my godmom, who is my dad's friend and not hers, wants to know. Like I want to know these things. Seriously, my family has oversharing diarrhea or something. Make it stop! Anyway, my mom didn't tell me about the switching (and not that I'll do it), but told my aunt, who told my godmom, who told me. See, I'm not speaking to her because I deserve better. I'm not the whipping girl here. I'm the only one that tries to help, and until I get treated with a little respect, fuck it. I'm not going to back down. Oh, and my mom? Is a genius since she thinks I go over there to help her out, and not my aunt. That's right, bitch. I'm going to help you when she can't be bothered to give me money occasionally, in order to help pay medical bills, school, or even regular bills. Yeah, fuck that shit. She can't be bothered to help me, but I'm expected to drop everything for her whims. Um, no.
On the upside, this Dr. Who episode didn't suck, and I have a new favorite line: "Fingers on lips!" *shakes head* Crack line, sure, but watching grown ups do something that haven't seen they were four is always rather entertaining.
Reread SEP's It Had To Be You, which I love because damn, Phoebe's got guts and then some. Oh! And they named the little panda at Zoo Atlanta today. Mei Lan, which means something like Atlanta's Beauty. Not really fond of the name, but whatever. Okay, so it's bedtime now, I suppose.