Dec 07, 2006 01:23
You know, I'm really fucking tired of my family, even my godmom. Tis the Season, my ass. My godmom has decided since my aunt, you know the one in pain all the damn time, hasn't said more than one or two word sentences recently that it means aunt doesn't like her. NOT that my aunt is in pain, or anything so insignficant. No, no. Alllll about her in my godmom's world. Which means tomorrow she doesn't want to go see aunt. To be a perfect friend, don't let your drama get in the way, even if you're dying of cancer. This is the capper of my day, really.
10am, Mary comes acalling with two people and baby in two. Right. 10am. As in let's visit the friend at 10 fucking am, knowing she doesn't wake up until 1. Why you might ask? I'll tell you, which will make you giggle, really. She came then because it fit her schedule best. That's right folks! It's never about the person that is progressively getting worse and in more pain. No, no. It's alllll about their drama! In fact, they woke me up (I stayed up until 2, listening to see if she was vomiting since she had been for the past two days), and I answered the door all jammied out. Didn't give a fuck. Mary's a bad friend anyway. Only visits aunt when conveninent. They left at 11:30, when the trailer repairman came. Good thing I took my shower when good ol' Mary was around with the damn baby. Seriously, they cooed more over of that brat than paying attention to the sick person. They really, really suck. I didn't get to take my meds until 1pm (go me?) when the repairman left. I wasn't leaving my sick aunt with a strange man to get my food. Which means I didn't get my fucking medicine until 1pm. Oh, yeah. THAT'S great for me, body-wise. Oh, yes. REALLY made me like those mothers.
And I forgot to mention the 9am wake up call to let my aunt know she has a new great-neice. Oh, goody. Because that's exactly what a sick person wants to be notified of so early in the morning...not sleeping or anything! And my uncle called back a couple hours later going, "You're still there?" No, you dumb numbnut motherfucker, I'm answering from the great beyond. At some point, some friend called but damned if I can remember, or care at this point. I'm very, very tired of my family. All their drama, thinking their lives should come first, instead of the slowly dying lady. Assholes. Not to mention that my mom has been telling my godmom all about the lack of sex-life with my mom and stepmom, like people want to hear that shit. Dude, seriously. What the fuck? And my mom doesn't understand why I was upset that Mary visited at 10. Oh, I don't know...maybe because my aunt was in pain and trying to sleep? Perhaps? Just a little guess!
I give up. Anyone want to adopt me?
family: aunt,
me: mother,
family: issues,
family: godmom