Sep 19, 2006 13:51
So my pupils are dilated, stupid doctor man for burning my eyes. However! I have new contacts. Something called Oyasis or something. Dunno, couldn't see. Was blinded by the man with the bright light. *grumbles* I have the beginnings of catracts. Yay! Cause I don't feel old enough majority of my life. And astigmatism in each eye. Wonderful news again! Brilliant. Aren't I thrilled to death?
Apparently neighbor's mom died this morning. Too bad, and the added bonus? My mom gets to push her sister off on me while she takes care of Cindy. So on the topic of my aunt, she has cancer...again. "Curable" according to her quack docs. Cause they've done so well. It's in her colon, lungs and somewhere else but I forgot. Right. I think time is ticking short for her. I might have to take her to get her MRI at 8:15 or something on Thursday. Great. She lives across the city, so that's a 45 minute drive (traffic is a bitch) to get her, and then another 45 or more to get her back to where *I* live or right behind. *sighs* Really, I don't mind doing things, but sheesh. Last minute much? *grumbles* Everything must be easier for my mom and her friend though!
And this icon has nothing to do with anything except I wanted to use it.
Edit: Well, my aunt's time is at 11, and that's much much better than 8. Time won't be quite so bad then.
family: aunt,
me: mother,