I'm asking my flist for help if you can.
Interview a person with a different cultural background from your own.Write a report of at least a page and a half doublespaced. Keep in mindthat asking for information needs to be done sensitively andcourteously. If you have difficulty finding someone, you can alwaysinterview your instructor.
Possible Questions
Where did you come from to study or live in the United States?
What are some things about the culture you came from that you want to hold onto?
What do you find attractive about life in the U. S.?
What problems, if any, have you encountered here?
If you feel any frictions in trying to bridge two cultures, how would you describe them?
Describe also any examples of harmonious interactions.
Name two or three things you would like others to know about your native culture.
What do you wish people here would be sensitive to or inquisitive about?
What have you learned about multicultural life that you would like to share with others?
Now, I realize these questions and the assignment sucks. I'm so sorry about that. It really does and how the fuck this related to WORKPLACE anything, I don't know. (Retarded class, very much so, I agree.) If anyone wants to answer any of those for me, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to hand this in since it's worth 5% of my grade. Really hate this teacher, just so you know. I'm tired of all his religious terms and blatherings. I'd like my class ot actually stick to the course title, that'd be really nice. Really, really nice.