Mum and I seem to have had one of those mother-daughter bonding moments. You know, the ones where the mother talks and the daughter nods mutely when prompted. Bonus points if you ask questions your ma's uncomfortable answering.
My mum's probably my best friend. I can literally tell her anything. Unfortunately, I don't appreciate such openness the other way around. A girl should be able to talk to her mama, but there's some things a mother just shouldn't discuss with her spawn.
Since seventh form - when she finally realised I wasn't a lesbian and we had something in common - she seems to have taken it upon herself to be involved in... everything. Or, not so much involved as making sure I'm fully aware of her opinion on any particular situation.
But tonight... Oh boy, tonight was a keeper. I wish I taped the thing to share with you all. I've never heard the word sex thrown about so often within one conversation before. A drastic comparison with the sex talk which didn't even include the word sex (though, in its defense, it wasn't light of any other medical, slang or overly-descriptive word).
A summary? Okay!
- At my age, a relationship should really only be based on sex.
- At my age, I shouldn't be in a relationship.
- But, I should be having sex with all my friends (not gender-specific - my mother the 60s baby).
- Sex with strangers is okay, as long as I'm safe (and don't bring them here)
- I can talk to her if I ever need to talk about anything (i.e. sex)
- She's not impressed when you ask her if you should be taking notes (there's a lot more, but my memory fails me)
I think you get the picture.
Speaking of pictures, Kristin that's got to be _the_ most unnecessary mental image ever. This seems to be becoming a habit...
EDIT: Quote from Kristin on MSN Messenger
Kristin: says:
best post ever
i'm sure it was a brilliant night
gah u white kids have the best sex talks
no wonder why there's a billion asians...