
May 23, 2007 22:12

I feel as though I should make my obligatory Wednesday post. I'm sitting here drinking the remainder of this afternoon's bottle of coke (don't laugh!), and scratching my head about what to write. I don't have a terrible amount to say. I mean, the world can only change so much in a couple of days... not that it was particularly interesting then.

A week ago I bought a cute little diary to write in while I'm at university. I still haven't written anything in it yet. Everything seems so trivial. I mean, I've got it so I can read it in ten, twenty, fifty years time and remember the random things about my time there. But do I really want to look back and remember that the toilets in Kirk were out of toilet paper and the vending machine wouldn't take my $5 note?


My diary from Australia is all about my new pair of pyjamas. Or the mindless gossip which was buzzing around school one day, and old news the next. People say that all girls schools must be full of gossip and bitchy, catty remarks. They've obviously got their lines crossed. Experience tells me that when you're in a co-ed school and boys are in front of you, next to you, behind you or have their hand up your skirt in the library during English tongues wag a little more, gossip is far juicer and bitch fights occur every second period. Then again, it could be an Australian thing...

Wow, random paragraph. Kinda what I was looking for. Without being anything like I was looking for. Odd. Cool. Awesome. I thought it'd end up being about how I was avoiding reading up on things for my tutorial FCOM tomorrow. Entrepreneurs - what are they and how can you be one? Honestly, you either have it or you don't. It's a bugger for people like me who know what they know and kick-arse at it, but can't lead a team up a donkey's rectum. Notice how I managed to say it all anyway? That's real skill that is.

If you haven't already, watch The Wedding Date. IMDB gives it a 5.4 out of 10, but for a chick flick... I haven't seen something that good in such a long time. I sat still for an hour and a half. I did not go to the bathroom. I did not get Coke. I did not read, write, draw or fiddle during the movie. For those of you who've seen movies with me, you know that this is extremely hard for me. So yeah, watch it. It good. You not watch = silly.

And Oh. My. God. That Grey's Anatomy season finale. For those of you who've seen it too, you'll agree with me when you say - huhyayomgwhatcoolwowhecouldnthedidbastardoooooh. Wow, you should see the Firefox spell check for the suggested corrections to that...

My internet just died, so I'm going to make a point of sav - oh, nevermind. Reconnected now. Wireless networks. Three level houses. Wires = ugly. But wireless = a pain in the.

movie, insanity, rambling, leave me alone it's late, stuff, grey's anatomy, procrastinating, links, blah, lots

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