Where do I start? First off, it's freezing! The all powerful (ha)
Met Service says it was 9°C just under 2 hours ago, and I don't know about you lot but it feels a lot colder now.
I'm waiting here very patiently too. Gotta get my Grey's Anatomy fix soon. Or... or... well, I'll be sulky. I've already got the sniffles. Grumpy Amy too? Madness.
The good ol' folks at the university were kind and gave us a nice five-page QUAN assignment to fill our (apparently) free time. It's not due in until the middle of May, but damn. That's not cool. Really, it's not.
That being said, I can hardly bitch about the masses of work I have to do. I've only got:
- QUAN assignment
- an essay on government and public policy (FCOM)
- some sort of research stuff to prepare for ACCY tut
- ACCY assignment
- the QUAN computer assignment I just mentioned before
- other stuff I've forgotten.
But really, I'm lucky compared to most of the poor folks I know. That'll show you for choosing Otago *glare* Mwa ha ha ha.