Okay, apparently I don't update enough - consider this an update.
Today started out alright. I went up to Vic and met
krappz (early! KC - You rock =D) before heading off to do an introduction to the Vic computers workshop thing. It was a waste of time, but I had Coke so I was happy.
Stuff in the Quad was good. Got me lots of free stuff, just as I had planned, and mentally molested by the randoms from National Bank. No I don't want your stupid MP3 player, I'm listening to the iPod in my bag right now as you're harrassing me. Poo-heads.
The BCA orientation thing was a waste of time too, but I was still in high spirits. I knew I was about to go shopping. Whoot.
Got a couple of textbooks today from
Vic Books, and then realised I couldn't get my student notes because I only had one cheque. Shot Amy. That's style. But I was still chipper - it just meant I could go shopping again tomorrow.
Sitting outside in the sort-of-spitting wind sucked. Getting no replies sucked more. But I was happy enough - I was eating free milky-way chocolate afterall.
Busing home was alright. My legs were shaking like mad for the whole trip. The extremely long trip with the break-loving bus driver I shall avoid forever more. Missioning up the hill with my shaking lower body (shakes had spread), textbooks and horde of free stuff was a bitch. But I survived.
Laying on my bed, staring at my ceiling, exhausted, alone and un-txt-worthy was not the best feeling in the world. But at least my body had stopped shaking. Or, I'd stopped noticing.
Eventually I flung myself into the broken computer chair beside me and made some
icons. Not my best work, but other people's opinions hardly mattered at that point.
And since then, I've been sitting here trying to get rid of more crap on my computer. My quest isn't going so well. Oh well. 20GB should last me a while.
But, the best part is - I've got to be up on campus 8.30 tomorrow. Why? I want to learn how to write essays and study good.
Shoot me.